1 - Study Dr LEFEBURE's book, Phosphenic Mixing Applied to Education, Ref. L02
and the ABC of Phosphenic Mixing e-Box Set, Ref. CMF.

2 - You need to send us your educational project, a dissertation (a few pages long) explaining how you are going to integrate and use Phosphenic Mixing Applied to Education in your profession. We also need a report on the results you and/or the persons you have worked with, have obtained.

Financial conditions for access to the certificate: none. Once you have obtained the Phospheno-Educationalist certificate, you won't have to pay any royalties to Phosphenism Publishing.


Note: Only a professor certified by the School of Dr LEFEBURE can teach rhythmo-phosphenic techniques, such as head sways, etc. (i.e. the techniques from the basic and advanced courses, as well as the techniques studied during the continuing training courses).

However, you can collaborate with the School of Dr LEFEBURE to organize training courses in your area. Assisted by a professor from the School of Dr LEFEBURE, you can offer training courses. That first step will allow you to evaluate your capacity in managing and organizing a group.

If you wish to organize a conference or a training course in Phosphenism in your area, please feel free to contact us.

List of professors: Gilles GABLAIN - Francesc CELMA - Bruno CATALA
Under the technical direction of Daniel STIENNON.


Die Bezeichnung „Phosphenismus‟ ist ein eingetragenes Markenzeichen und darf nur mit Zustimmung der Schule Doktor LEFEBURE verwendet werden. Diese gewährt eine solche Genehmigung sowie die Papiere, die sie als Lehrkraft ausweisen, nur denen, die eine entsprechende Ausbildung absolviert haben.

Zum Wohle aller, vor allem von Privatpersonen, wird das Internationale Institut für Phosphenologie jeden rechtlich verfolgen, der seine Methode ohne schriftliche Zustimmung der Schule Dr LEFEBURE lehrt bzw. die Bezeichnungen des Phosphenismus kommerziell nutzt.

Nur die Schule Dr LEFEBURE PARIS-FRANKREICH kann Lehrkräften einen entsprechenden Nachweis ausstellen.

®PHOSPHENISM is a registered trademark for books, devices, audio and
video recordings and the educational method.